We are FCC - Nº10

pansion and operation of the hi- gh-performance power grid) plans to build an intermediate storage for the Weinviertel high-voltage line. Construction will begin in September this year and is plan- ned to be finished in 2023. On the area next to the plant, APG (an affiliated company of Verbund which is responsible for the ex- pansion and operation of the hi- gh-performance power grid) plans to build an intermediate storage for the Weinviertel high-voltage line. Construction will begin in September this year and is plan- ned to be finished in 2023. Currently an ongoing study is ex- ploring the possibilities of a sewa- ge sludge drying plant next to the WtE-Plant. The project is inten- ded to support the future topic of orderly sewage sludge disposal in the surrounding communities. This would facilitate excellent synergies with the WtE-Plant of FCC, such as; direct use of was- te heat and electricity, exhaust air and waste water to be disposed of at the plant, as well as dried mate- rial which can be made available for recycling. Inauguration in September 2009 In September 2009, a power plant for the incineration of non-ha- zardous municipal and industrial waste was opened in Zistersdorf, a town about 50 kilometres north of Vienna, and construction began in 2007. Built on a 10-hectare site, it is ac- cessible for waste reception by rail and road. And there the plant team does an excellent job every day to treat this inexhaustible re- source, garbage. Their job is to manage the incinerator and make all the treatment processes work in order to burn solid urban waste at high temperatures and genera- te energy. This energy is generated from the last fraction left of the waste, after having been conveniently recy- cled and efficiently used the re- mains of paper, cardboard, metal containers, glass, etc., which ins- tead of going to a landfill, is sent to the plant in Zistersdorf where through a comprehensive and very monitored process produc- tion is achieved. environment FCC is Europe’s leader in waste-to-energy generation. In 2018, FCC Medio Ambiente’s gross operating profit (Ebitda) reached 441.4 million euro, an increase of 3.7% on the previous year, due to the improved profitability of the recycling activity and the higher performance of the incineration plants in the United Kingdom, mainly due to the better performance of the Allington facility. Leaders in incineration B U S I N E S S 15 B U S I N E S S