We are FCC - Nº10

The plant in Zistersdorf (Austria) celebrates its tenth anniversary One of Europe’s largest incinerators is located 60 kilometres northwest of Vienna. The Austrian waste recovery plant in Zistersdorf is celebrating its ten- th anniversary. Thanks to the de- dication of its employees and the positive environment, the produc- tion has proved to be extremely good, exceeding all expectations in terms of ecological and techno- logical performance. These 10 years of operation have served to position it as one of the largest incinerators in Europe and as a model for waste management in other countries. Over the last 10 years; 1 billion kilowatt hours of electricity have been generated and more than 250,000 tonnes of residual waste have been collec- ted from the households of the dis- tricts Gänserndorf and Mistelbach. The recycling yard which opera- tes on behalf of the municipality of Zistersdorf and opened in 2013 currently employs 10 staff. The yard itself has grown quickly and this year an administrative buil- ding including a modern social area is planned for construction. On the area next to the plant, APG (an affiliated company of Verbund which is responsible for the ex- environment B U S I N E S S 14 B U S I N E S S