We are FCC - Nº10

Aqualia Investment in innovation and techno- logy to identify new ways of reducing waste: • Production of biogas from orga- nic waste from the bacteria pre- sent in the digesters. • Reuse and recovery of the sludge derived from purification proces- ses to reduce discharges. FCC Construcción Environmental Management System with special focus on the manage- ment of waste from works: land, roc- ks, clean rubble, etc. Prioritization of recycling or assess- ment as opposed to disposal in landfill. Cementos Portland Valderrivas Selective collection of the waste ge- nerated in each of its work sites. Efficiency and responsibility Read the Annual Report The Mersey Bridge in the United Kingdom. Cement factory in El Alto, in Morata de Tajuña (Madrid). The Ávila wastewater treatment plant. FCCMedio Ambiente The company values its contribution to the circular economy, through the recovery and recycling of waste and innovation in these areas to increase efficiency. The collection and treat- ment of waste is one of its main acti- vities. With it, it contributes to meeting the objectives of preparation for reuse and recycling set by the State Waste Management Framework Plan (PE- MAR) 2016-2022. 13