We are FCC - Nº10

How to achieve excellence Speakers Patricia Ramírez, health and sports psychologist, writer and lecturer, put the finishing touch to the morning, explaining through a pleasant exhibition how to achieve excellence. tour of the end-to-end water cycle and the company’s main activities; and Pedro Carranza, CEO of the Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group, who discussed the cha- llenges facing the company. The event was closed by José Antonio Madrazo, Area I and V Di- rector, who spoke about the pre- sent and future of the construction area; and the team formed by An- tonio Pérez and Fernando Bernal- do, who immersed the guests in a trip around Wanda. The tour of the best stadium in the world was the icing on the cake that closed the III Meeting of Legal Services. To add value to business, company lawyers must be proactive and creative. Pepe Cerro, General Director of Legal Counsel 11