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FCC Aqualia
at the 32
Seminar of AEAS in San Sebastian
lnauguration of
La Jurada
Sports Centre
in Tenerife
The capital city of Guipúzcoa hosted the
Technical Seminar of the Spanish
Water Supply and Sanitation Association
(AEAS, Spanish acronym) held at the Con-
gress Palace and the Kursaal Auditorium.
Several water management companies,
suppliers and institutional clients met at this
event, one of the most significant of its kind
in the sector.
The opening speeches at the seminar were
given by José Antonio Galera, the vice-cou-
ncillor for the Environment of the Basque
Government; Nora Galparsoro, deputy-ma-
The La Jurada Sports Centre in Granadilla
de Abona (Tenerife) was inaugurated on 15
May. The sports facility is part of the Island’s
Swimming Pool Program being developed
by Tenerife’s local government. It compri-
ses a multi-purpose pool, a gym, activity
rooms, and other services. FCC Aqualia
was in charge of the building the Sports
Centre and will also be responsible for its
subsequent management.
Covering an area of more than 3,000 m
the facility and the sports activities were
welcomed with great expectation by the re-
sidents as shown by the more than 3,500
applicants and the 324 fans in Facebook.
FCC Aqualia has defined its own mana-
gement style and has created attractive,
peaceful, and natural spaces. The com-
pany also offers the most innovative servi-
ces and activities for all types of population
segments. “Sports and health combined,
which represent yet another step in modern
yor of San Sebastian, and Roque Guistau,
the chairman of AEAS. “The first seminar
was also held in San Sebastian 40 years
ago”, Galparsoro Galera said and also
mentioned that “40 years ago, water supply
and sanitation in cities was not ensured and
thanks to the efforts of the administration
and the companies attending this seminar,
we are now able to enjoy a continuous and
quality service”.
The various sessions of the event included
a presentation by Mariano Blanco, of FCC
Aqualia’s International Client Management
department. The title of the presentation
was “3T methodology of the OECD (rates,
taxes and transfers), analysis of finance
The 3,000 m
facility includes a heated
pool, activity rooms,
and paddle courts
View of FCC Aqualia’s stand with part of the
Company’s equipment
sources for water in Europe”. In addition to
its participation in the technical sessions,
FCC Aqualia also set up a stand.
facilities, well-being, and the future”, as
mentioned by Jaime González, the mayor
of Granadilla de Abona during the inaugu-
ration ceremony at the Centre.
All information about the Centre available