Page 15 - FCC_N19_eng

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The budget
for the project amounted
to 275 million euros
and was partly subsidised
with EU funds
missioner for Regional Policy; José Luis
Tapia, Spanish Ambassador to Bulgaria;
Fernando Moreno, Chairman of FCC Cons-
truction; and Javier Lázaro, FCC’s Deputy
General Director of Spain and Algeria and
head of this project.
More Europe
Fernando Moreno, chairman of FCC Cons-
truction, highlighted that the: “new bridge
is a shining example of European cons-
truction, improving the living standards of
citizens in both countries and contributing
to the development of an economically de-
vitalized area. FCC has put technologically
innovative solutions into practice to overco-
me natural challenges such as the Danube’s
massive flow through the two cities.”
Plamen Oresharski highlighted the singula-
rity of the project completed by FCC, the
Citizen Services Group, and the advanta-
ges that it represents for the people of both
countries and for all Europeans. “This brid-
ge strengthens Europe”.
Before this bridge opened, the Ruse Bridge,
which will now be revamped, was the only
connection between Bulgaria and Romania
(in the east, around 55 kilometres from Vi-
din. The Vidin-Calafat bridge is part of the
Pan-European Corridor IV, which runs from
Dresden (Germany) to Istanbul (Turkey) and
is considered an essential network for the
development of transport in the area. This
Corridor ends at two major Western Euro-
pean ports: Istanbul (Turkey) and Thessalo-
niki (Greece).
Sebastian, the first worker hired by FCC
in Bulgaria, was in charge of cutting the
ribbon at the inauguration ceremony.
u s i n e s s
The FCC team describes
the Vidin bridge project.
The video is already available at the fcco
website and at Youtube describing FCC
team’s work at the Vidin bridge.
It is available in:
Spanish, English, Bulgarian, and Rumanian