Page 13 - FCC_N19_eng

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u s i n e s s
cession consortium, and Samsung CT and
Kier, in construction. Other finalists for the
contract included multinational companies
such as Balfour Beatty, Bouygues, Hochtief
and Iridium.
The project
FCC will build the new Mersey Gateway
Bridge, measuring over 2 kilometres in
length, to the east of the Silver Jubilee Brid-
ge, which was inaugurated in the 1960s
and is experiencing severe traffic conges-
The core of the contract is the construction
of the bridge itself, which will measure 1 ki-
lometre in length. The cable-stayed structu-
re will be 42 metres wide and have a maxi-
mum height of 125 metres. The project also
includes upgrading 7 kilometres of access
roads, building 2.5 kilometres of new toll
road, and upgrading 4.5 km of toll roads,
as well other communication links.
For further information, go to: