Page 9 - FCC_N18_eng

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and training
The key objective of these measures
is encourage active involvement so
that one day it will not be necessary
to remind everyone that equality is not
just merely a right, but a fact of life in
our society. The Company supports
measures to build awareness and for
training required to contribute to the
perception, prevention, and eradi-
cation of all actions that infringe this
right. It also works to encourage the
integration of women in the job mar-
ket, training, and promotion of women
within the FCC Group.
For many years, the FCC Group has been
carrying out intensive work to achieve
Equality. After the implementation in 2009
of its first Equality Plan, nine new programs
have been signed relating to Equality and
against gender violence. The Company has
also drafted a protocol for preventing on-
the-job mobbing and sexual harassment
within the Group and has entered into a
cooperation agreement with the Ministry of
Health to fight against gender violence.
FCC has also drafted a specific equality
and diversity policy that was approved by
the Executive Committee. The policy was
implemented after creating an Equality
and Diversity Management Team for Spain
which is made up of employees from the
corporate and other divisions who are
committed to extending these policies, pro-
grams and measures throughout their bu-
siness areas.
These actions
reaffirm the Company’s
to its policy of equality
and diversity
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