Page 64 - FCC_N18_eng

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Famous vineyards
For many centuries, the
area surrounding the city
of Bratislava has been
famous for its vineyards.
Since the Middle Ages,
wines from Bratislava have
been exported and served
at the tables of Europe’s
royal courts.
A castle with a lot of history
Bratislava Castle, a symbol of domination
and hegemony, sits on a hill overlooking the
city’s historic district. Hungary, Austria and
the Danube Valley can be seen from the
castle’s fortifications.
At the end of the Stone Age, the hill was
populated by Celts who built a settlement
known as Oppidum. Afterwards, and for
many centuries, the castle was a fortress,
head of the General Seminary during the
government of Joseph II and was used later
as a military garrison.
It was rebuilt on numerous occasions and
was transformed from the Gothic to the
Renaissance style and then evolved into
the Baroque style. In 1811 the castle was
destroyed by fire and was not rebuilt until
The city has many palaces, including the
Primacial, the Pálffy, and the Grassalkovich
palaces, some of which are currently used
as art galleries.
The highlights of this city on the Danube,
however, are not limited to its castles and