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Bratislava, Slovakia’s largest city is situa-
ted on the banks of the Danube, between
Austria and Hungary. This unique location
makes it the only capital city in the world
bordered by two countries.
Known as Pressburg to German-speakers
or Pozsony to Hungarian-speakers, Bratis-
lava got its present name only 90 years ago.
But the city has a long and proud history
that dates back to pre-Roman times. The
first written reference on the city appears in
the Annals of Salzburg in 907 in relation to a
battle between Bavarians and Hungarians.
Bratislava is Slovakia’s historic and cultu-
ral centre par excellence. Nearly 500,000
people make up its current population.
Listening to people speak in the pearl of the
Danube, as many call it, is a sign of melo-
dy, since the city is considered a musical
city where great composers such as Mo-
zart, Beethoven, and Hovel, have left their
mark, where they performed and compo-
sed many of their masterpieces.
Great artistic, cultural
and educational offering
The city’s ballet and the National Slovakian
Theatre opera are famous worldwide, es-
pecially when it comes to classical music.
Besides music and opera, Bratislava is the
home of more than 20 art galleries where
one can admire classic and modern art.
Numerous cultural events are organized
each year. Among the most famous are the
Music and Jazz festivals and the spectacu-
lar celebration through the city’s streets on
New Year’s Eve.