Page 27 - FCC_N18_eng

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The six-day trip,
beginning at
your landing at the
Kilimanjaro base, is full
of unknown landscapes
through five different
climate zones
The day you
finally reach the peak
you have to walk 18
hours and then sleep
another night at the
Mount Kibo
at the National Park
of Kilimanjaro.
the air is pleasantly warm and the European
winter is left far behind. The six-day trip is
full of new scenery across five different cli-
mate zones: a deep tropical forest followed
by moors and highlands where the plants
grow up to 9 meters tall – the highest se-
necio trees in the world, and then a sterile
rock desert surrounded by three glaciers.
Hikers are accompanied by Chagga gui-
des, members of the original settlers of the
Kilimanjaro. They guide the hikers through
their chose route, set up the tents, prepare
the food and at the same time, give them
a glimpse of a different way of life and cus-
18 hours to reach the summit
Before the mountain climbers reach their
goal (the Kibo peak) they had travelled for
five days. The day on which they try to
reach the summit is the most demanding
one, requiring discipline and extreme tena-
city since they have to climb another 1,300
metres. “We left at about 11:00 p.m. and
reached the peak just before dawn”, Isa-
bella told us. “But, when we made it and
stood there, all our efforts were compen-
sated. The sense of euphoria overwhelms
you and the clear view above the clouds of
the neighbouring Mount Meru was truly un-
forgettable”, she reminisced , enthusiastic
about the experience, even after she was
back home.
After a photo session at the peak of the
mountain, with little air, at less than 15 de-
grees centigrade and with a strong wind
blowing, the group started to go down the
mountain. They reached the base camp,
which is at an altitude of 3,200 metres,
around 5 in the afternoon. “The day you fi-
nally reach the peak you have to walk 18
hours and then sleep another night at the
camp”, Isabella told us. After returning to
the comfort of the hotel, there are still two
more days for relaxing and for reliving the
experience with the group. Then the trip
back home, with an unforgettable experien-
ce in your backpack, and thinking about the
next objective.
Isabella (third on the
right) with her
colleagues and
p e o p l e