Page 15 - FCC_N18_eng

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b u s i n e s s
The company also obtained other
contracts in the last few days worth
more than 200 million euro: operation
and maintenance of the La Reguera
treatment plant in Madrid (4 years); ma-
nagement of the Aramo treatment plant
in Oviedo (33 years); and the provision of
water supply and treatment and sewage
services in Candeleda, Ávila (30 years).
Additionally, the Aigües de Girona PPP
extended its cooperation agreement
with FCC Aqualia, which also owns a
stake in the partnership; and the local
governments in Bezana (Cantabria) and
La Bañeza (León) have both extended
Aqualia’s contract by another 10 years.
king water reservoirs with a storage capa-
city of 34,300 cubic metres. Aqualia will bill
directly to more than 470,000 customers.
Jerez has a wastewater treatment plant
(Guadalete) and another 23 smaller
treatment facilities throughout the muni-
cipality; until now, Aqualia had managed
them under a sub-contract from the city-
owned company Ajemsa. Once the con-
tract is signed and the commencement
date is set, FCC Aqualia will directly mana-
ge water treatment and supply as well as
the sewage system.
Under this new contract, FCC Aqualia will
be providing services to Jerez de la Fronte-
ra (population 212,454), thereby strengthe-
ning its positioning as the leading water
operator in Andalusia, where it serves 100
municipalities and 2.4 million people.
More than 7,000 professionals
FCC Aqualia, which uses cutting-edge
technology, has over 7,000 employees
working in 1,100 townships throughout
17 countries: Spain, Italy, Portugal, Czech
Republic, Poland, Romania, Montenegro,
Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Chile,
Algeria, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Chi-