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Aqualia lndustrial
enters into an agreement with
local Andean company
The second edition of the Pro-VMA International Congress at Lima’s
Jockey Club was the venue chosen by Aqualia – specialist in indus-
trial water treament – for unviling the new collaboration agreement
entred into with Accuaproduct, a Peruvian company. Under this
agreement, both copanies will coordinate their efforts for studying
and developing industrial waste water treatment plants in Peru, focu-
sing particularly on the fgood, mining, and energy sectors.
The meeting served as a backdrop for presening the product and
service offering for the implementation of waste water tratment
plants. The company was invited to several technical seminars whe-
re it described the experiences in these types of facilities in Spain.
Francisco Sánchez-Miel, sales manager of Aqualia Industrial, was
in charge of the presentation on “Industrial Waste Water Treament
Technologies, more than 20 years’ experience in providing solutions
From left to right: Francisco Sánchez-Miel, sales manager of Aqualia Indus-
trial; Percy Wong, technical manager of Accuaproduct; Aníbal Eduardo Ís-
modes, chairman of the SEDAPAL association; and, Enrique Martín, Aqualia
Industrial’s head of production.
Visit by Aníbal Eduardo Ísmodes,
chairman of SEDAPAL
The purpose of the seminar was to promote the regulations ap-
proving the Maximum Acceptable Values (MAV) of non-house-
hold waste water discharges in the sewer system.
Many representatives of the Peruvian industrial sector, the me-
dia, and members of the administration visited the stands set
up by Aqualia Industrial Accuaproduct, including Aníbal Eduar-
do Ísmodes, chairman of SEDAPAL, the company in charge of
water management in this South American country who praised
the business collaboration initiative that provide technological
solutions to the market in Peru in relation to the treatment of
industrial waste water discharges.
Complejo deportivo de Trujillo
Pursuant to the contract for revamping the
Trujillo sports complex (also known as Chi-
cago sports complex), the company will
build an athletics stadium, an indoor arena,
and supplementary infrastructure in prepa-
ration for the 2013 Bolivarian Games, an
international multi-sport event held every
four years between Bolivarian countries
(Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru
and Venezuela). Other countries that will
participate in this year’s games are Chile,
Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Guatemala and