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Arnold Schiefer,
Arnold Schiefer has been appointed CEO
of ALPINE. The new chief executive of
the Central European construction subsi-
diary was formerly with the Austrian fede-
ral railways and has extensive experience
with managing infrastructure and business
transformation processes.
Arnold Schiefer, the new CEO of ALPINE,
will direct the process of transforming the
group to ensure that it retains its leading
position in its domestic markets, basica-
lly Austria and Germany. Schiefer’s ap-
pointment is a clear, positive, stabilising
message from FCC to the ALPINE Group’s
workers, business partners and financiers.
A graduate in Business Studies, Schiefer
commenced his career in Tyrol, where he
eventually became a division head at the
Infrastructure Ministry in Vienna in 2000. In
2005, he changed to the Austrian Federal
Railway (ÖBB), where he took over pro-
ject management for the construction of
Vienna’s Central Train Station. As Chairman
of the Board, he supervised the merger and
reorientation of ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.
In 2011, he was hired by Rail Cargo Austria
AG to reorganise and turn around Rail Car-
go Hungaria. He was most recently Chair-
man of the Board at Rail Cargo Austria AG.
Alpine recently reached an agreement with
the Austrian government and its main cre-
ditors to restructure the group and refinan-
ce its debt.
Additionally, Fernando Moreno has been
appointed as Chairman and Miguel Jurado
as General Manager of FCC Construction.