Page 39 - RevistaN17-eng

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Annual meeting
of the
Prevention technicians of
Aqualia’s safety and health department held
their annual meeting. As in previous years,
Management supports the organization of
this event, not just in terms of legal aspects,
but also as a general objective for promo-
ting the safety and health policy at Aqualia
as well as throughout the Corporation.
During the seminar held in the last weeks of
December 2012, a model was adopted for
the participation and teamwork work ses-
sions which contributed to achieving the
The major strategic lines of the department
were defined and several improvement
proposals were submitted which will be in-
corporated in the short and medium-term
action plan.
Once again, this event, as in previous years,
allowed workers who are involved in the
same activity, although at different workpla-
ces, to share a few hours discussing their
points of view, problems and concerns.
e l l - b e i n g