reduces for yet
another year
its occupational accident
FCC continues to improve the results of
its main accident indicators, at home and
abroad. In 2012, the company continued
to support its permanent commitment to
safety and health at the workplace by im-
plementing management systems for the
prevention of occupational hazards and
promoting measures to monitor and control
work conditions and the rate of accidents
at the workplace.
The Frequency Index (FI) which provides
information on the number of work-related
sick leave per each million hours worked fell
24% last year in Spain and 22% in its inter-
national operations, reaching 24.51 nation-
wide and 26.91.
The Severity Index (SI), which measures the
number of days of absenteeism for each
thousand hours of work, fell in Spain and
abroad by 24%, standing at 0.79 and 0.61,
These results demonstrate the global fulfil-
ment of the proposed accident rate targets.
Furthermore, last year and in absolute terms
sick leave due to accidents at the workpla-
ce was reduced by 1,000 and the number
of days not worked due to accidents were
35,000 less than in the previous year.
e l l - b e i n g