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The European Agency
for Safety and Health
at Work (EU-OSHA) has
recognized FCC as an
official partner of the
Healthy Workplaces
Campaign 2012-2013:
Working together for
risk prevention.
FCC received recognition as an official Eu-
ropean collaborator thanks to its support
for the “Healthy Workplaces Campaign:
Working together for risk prevention”.
This Campaign is co-ordinated by the Eu-
ropean Agency for Safety and Health at
Work (EU-OSHA), and their partners in the
EU’s 27 Member States and beyond, and it
encourages managers, workers and other
stakeholders to join forces to improve safe-
ty and health.
New occupational
Since its official launch, some of the most
important companies in Europe, including
the FCC Citizen Services Group and indus-
try private and public associations have joi-
ned forces with the Agency to encourage
managers, workers, representatives and
other stakeholders to work together to ma-
nage risks at workplaces.
An essential element of the «Healthy Work-
places» campaign is the provision of resou-
rces to help businessmen, workers, and
other stakeholders, to improve occupatio-
nal safety and health.
Case studies, publications, practical tools
along with campaign and promotional
materials can be accessed at http://www.