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stability and encourages their loyalty to the
Father Daniel Zavala
Father Daniel Zavala, a member of the Lu-
men Dei Order, visited “Nuestra Casa” on
22 February and gave a conference on the
theological figure of the Virgin Mary since,
in the Catholic religion she is the one who
intercedes on our behalf before God.
Besides the cultural “Fridays at the Resi-
dence” cycle of events, already in its 4th
Edition, the residents at Collado Villalba
have been able to enjoy the yoga and co-
mic book workshops.
Yoga workshop
The third edition of the yoga workshop fo-
cused on “the interior smile”. Renuka, the
monitor, by means of meditation exercises,
explained to the residents that the interior
smile is a practice that contributes to pre-
venting negative emotions and also helps
to relieve physical and mental stress that
could lead to illness. Negative emotions
(Anger, sadness, depression, fear, worries,
etc.) diminish our vital strength.
Comic book workshop
The Comic Book workshop, also in its third
edition, evolved from theory to practical
examples. Our colleague, Jesús Miguel
Alonso Pérez helped the residents to de-
sign comic strips, to use an ironic language
to complement the drawings, and to critici-
ze current events in a fun manner.
Those who participated in this workshop
will put their knowledge into practice, de-
signing the comics that are included in the
magazine published by the residents of Co-
llado Villalba.
Link to the presentation of the comic book