Page 21 - RevistaN17-eng

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have something in common: their love of
They enjoy nature and show great solidari-
ty. Difficulties bring people together and we
all help each other and create very lasting
Should we organise it?
Such is Teresa’s enthusiasm that she pro-
posed that we organize a discovery trip, the
way that the first contact with these types
of trips is called, for all FCC workers who
might have an interest in activity.
All you need is a 4x4 with a pressure redu-
cing valve and a great desire for adventure.
possibilities of advancing my career. Never-
theless, I was offered the possibility of be-
coming the regional technical manager with
the support of my superiors and I decided
to accept the new job.
What are the positive feminine traits and
skills at the workforce that you would
highlight in comparison with men?
I think that the only difference is the way that
we have been brought up, at least the wo-
men of my generation. We have been trai-
ned in humility, discipline, non-belligerence,
and that, in part, has its advantages. We
have learned how to make a living: chan-
ging attitudes, we are more diplomatic, and
instead of imposing, we have learned to rely
more on dialogue.
What should change or what should wo-
men change so that their situation is more
It’s more difficult for women since even if
we have the same skills, men are usually
chosen. It is also possible, as I mentioned
before, that we have succeeded sufficiently
in claiming our rights. We are able to stru-
ggle for the success of our company, and
yet shrink back we have to make demands
on our behalf.
e o p l e