Page 15 - RevistaN17-eng

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ALPINE, in a joint venture with its Belgian
partner Denys has built two sections (a total
of 105.8 km) of the 166 km of the Gazalle
gas pipeline that runs from the north to the
south in the Czech Republic. This is a new
transport channel for natural gas from Rus-
sia, thereby contributing to ensuring gas
supplies to the European Union.
The project is a totally private investment of
NET4GAS, a subsidiary of Germany’s RWE
energy group. Total investment for this pro-
ject amounts to 400 million Euros.
The Gazalle gas pipeline is a new pipeline
for transporting natural gas from Russia
Alpine, for its role as the construction com-
pany, won the second prize in the public
buildings category, jointly with the architec-
tural firm ah3 Architekten ZT GmbH, for the
refurbishing and revamping of the Kirch-
berg am Wagram Primary School.
The ETHOUSE awards are given to inno-
vative projects with the highest levels of
energy efficiency, architectural design, and
million cubic metres
of gas will flow
through its pipelines
Will guarantee
Europe’s gas
and contributes to ensuring the supply of
natural gas to the European Union.
Russian gas flows from the Baltic Sea to
Germany and from there, to other countries
through the Opal and the new Gazalle gas
pipelines which flow into the Megal gas pi-
peline in Waidhaus. Consequently, broad
areas in Bavaria (Germany) and in France,
will now receive gas supplies. Germany’s
Bavaria region and France receive.
It is expected that 30 billion cubic metres of
gas will flow through this infrastructure each
year, a volume equivalent to three times the
annual demand in the Czech market and
one third of Germany’s annual gas demand.
gas pipeline in the
Czech Republic
starts operations
u s i n e s s