Page 70 - FCC-N16-eng

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since 1994
Lleida’s City Council has once again
entrusted management of the end-to-end water cycle
to Aqualia for another 25 years.
The renewed contract implies 461 million euro
backlog for the Group.
Aigües de LLeida started operations in Llei-
da in 1994. Since then, the company has
been charge of end-to-end management
of the city’s water cycle, including water
supply and sanitation. In 1996, it incorpora-
ted in its portfolio management of the was-
te water treatment plant.
65 professionals: the company’s
main asset
The company’s main assets in the capital
city of Lleida are its 64 professionals whose
capabilities and service-focused vocation
have enabled the company to grow and
have made its service a reference among
its competitors.