Page 32 - FCC-N16-eng

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exercises before work
FCC Medio Ambiente
employees in the Canary
lslands shape up.
The branch office of FCC Environment in
the Canary Islands has launched an exer-
cise program with warm-up and stretching
exercises for all the employees so as to pre-
vent injuries when performing their jobs.
The exercise class takes place first thing
in the morning with the participation of all
employees in the park and garden mainte-
nance service in Las Palmas.
Before launching this initiative, employees
received information and training with prac-
tical monitoring and brochures containing
information on the human back and diffe-
rent types of exercises and stretching to
prevent certain types of injuries.
Workers have been enthusiastic about this
initiative which counted with the collabora-
tion of Fremap, (the occupational hazard
and accident association of the Social Se-
curity system, number 61).
and stretch