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the Strategic Human Resources Plan led
to the implementation of an organisation
structure model based on responsibilities
and competencies, and the integration of
compensation and benefit policies and mo-
The Group is currently redesigning its per-
formance evaluation systems so that they
apply uniformly to all employees. Specifica-
lly, Dow Jones gave FCC the highest pos-
sible score in the Development and Human
Capital area. It also obtained the highest
score in the areas of Transport & Logistics
and in efficiency and resource conservation.
FCC also greatly enhanced its score in
the Ethics and Integrity area this year. This
good score recognises the new tools imple-
mented by FCC to ensure compliance with
its Code of Ethics.
Along these lines, the Group created a
Response Committee whose function is
to publicise and oversee compliance with
the Code of Ethics, draft amendments, and
draw up a manual for preventing ethics
breaches and responding to crimes. That
manual establishes procedures for identi-
fying behaviours that pose crime risk, and
for implementing internal controls in the bu-
siness areas.
Climate change
FCC’s policy on climate change also obtai-
ned a notable increase in score in the Dow
Jones Sustainability Indexes. DJSI rated
the creation of the Group’s Climate Chan-
ge Committee and the strategy designed
o r p o r a t e
by the Committee, which will be approved
in the near future. Key aspects in this area
were the sustainable management of the
vehicle fleet and initiatives related to energy
efficiency and water consumption.
Lastly, other factors that increased FCC’s
score included risk and crisis management,
and workplace health and safety. In parti-
cular, the workplace accident rate declined
year-on-year. This performance is attributa-
ble to such action as the approval of the
Group’s new Workplace Safety Policy, the
production of the Corporate Manual on
Workplace Health and Safety, the first edi-
tion of the Safety Awards, specific aware-
ness-raising campaigns, and a number of
safety training measures.