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For the third consecutive year, FCC is or-
ganizing the “Eco-Efficiency Awards” to
reward ideas or projects submitted by FCC
employees to encourage sustainable deve-
lopment, the optimisation of natural resou-
rces, and the use of new technologies to
benefit the environment.
A new concept has been created for this
edition of the award which will accompany
the prizes and summarises the objectives
of FCC with this initiative that was launched
three years ago. “Ideas that change the
World” aims to encourage all employees
who participate and make them aware that
their ideas and actions can change the
world. A trip to the Mayan Riviera in Mexico
will be the prize for your idea to improve the
All FCC employees who wish to participate,
alone or as part of a group, will be able to
participate in this contest which is divided
into two categories:
Efficient idea/project that contribute to
improving the life of the community.
Efficient idea/project that improves the
company’s earnings performance.
A prize will be awarded for each category.
This year, the prize is a 5-day trip to Mexi-
co, all expenses paid, for two people or the
possibility of changing it for a cash prize.
Honour diplomas will also be awarded at
the discretion of the panel of judges.
FCC employees who are interested in par-
ticipating in the Eco-Efficiency Awards may
New edition
of the lnternational
Eco-Efficiency Awards
Your idea for improving the world will take you
to the Maya Riviera in México!
obtain the participation forms at their work
sites or download it from intranet.
We want to promote eco-efficiency among
the team and achieve, as in previous edi-
tions of this contest, a high rate of participa-
tion to make eco-efficiency a trademark of
the company and an intrinsic part of FCCs
on a day-to-day basis.
We encourage you to contribute your ideas
and to spread the word to other company
departments, encouraging the involvement
of people who are part of the FCC Group.
Link to the PDF document: Download the
terms and conditions of the contest.
Link PDF document: Download the form