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obtains its first AENOR certificate
for the destruction of confidential information
Marepa, an FCC Ámbito company, was
awarded its first AENOR certificate based
on the EN 15713 Standard, certifying the
service that it provides involving the “Confi-
dential and Secure Destruction of Informa-
The new legal requirements for maintaining
the confidentiality of information requires
new work methods to ensure the des-
truction of information considered to be
sensitive. This certificate ensures that the
confidential destruction of any type of in-
formation is performed in accordance with
several security requisites and measures,
during transport as well as during the des-
truction process, thereby ensuring the level
of disintegration rendering the information
undecipherable, complying with current law
and with European standards.
As part of the FCC Ámbito division, Mare-
pa is the specialised company of the FCC
Citizen Services Group engaging in the re-
cycling of paper, plastics, wood, and other
materials. It has a department in charge
of destroying confidential information, files,
and stocks.
Marepa’s main facilities are located in Fuen-
labrada (Madrid). At this location, all types
of document supports (paper and electro-
nic) are treated until these are disabled, the-
reby ensuring confidentiality of these sup-
ports throughout the entire process.
A closed system featuring security and
video-surveillance measures, makes it pos-
sible to perform the process confidentially
and securely. Besides these facilities, the
company has a fleet of vans which provi-
des services, collecting the materials at the
client’s installations.
These document-destroying facilities are
able to eliminate, confidentially and secu-
rely, counterfeit materials, clothing, surplus
stocks, confiscated materials, and other.
Marepa has a wide nationwide network
enabling clients to have just one sole mana-
ger for their hazardous and non-hazardous
waste throughout the country.