Page 89 - FCC-N14-eng

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h e p l a c e
The heart of the plant, called the power
block, is found beyond the mirror surface.
Adjacent to this structure are the steam ge-
neration systems, the turbine building, the
oil systems and the cooling systems, which
convert energy from the sun into electricity
for households.
Amidst this labyrinth of tubes and buildings,
we find the plant’s head of safety, José
Castillo Castillo, and the manager of the
water treatment installations, built by Aqua-
lia Industrial, Pablo de las Alas Pumariño-
Selas. This is where water is processed
for the thermosolar plant. He explains that
there are four different types of water; fil-
tered, osmosis water, demineralised water,
and drinking water for the workers at the
plant. About 220 m
/hour of potable water
are treated; 160 m
/hour of filtered water;
/hour of osmosis water; and 22 m
hour of demineralised water.
In short, many people have made this ther-
mosolar plant , which is now a reality, possi-
ble and which will see the light very shortly.