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FCC has launched the third edition of the
“Eco-Efficiency Awards” which aims to
reward initiatives or actions by FCC emplo-
yees that contribute to sustainable develo-
pment, the implementation of appropriate
measures for reusing our natural resources,
and the implementation of new processes.
As in previous year, the contest will be orga-
nized around the following categories:
Efficient idea/project that improves the
lives of citizens.
Efficient idea/project that improves the
company’s results.
For each category, a prize, consisting of a
fully-paid trip for two (flight, hotel, travel bag
and 1,000 Euros), will be awarded for each
category. Honour diplomas will also be gi-
ven out based on the assessment of the
panel of judges.
FCC Employees who are interested in par-
ticipating in the Eco-Efficiency Awards can
obtain the rules and participation form at
their corresponding workplaces or down-
load from the Group’s intranet.
This initiative has also been a very enriching
experience and its sponsors are confident
that it will continue to be a good incenti-
ve for striving to have FCC become a sus-
tainable and citizen services group. The
Group, therefore, invites all employees to
contribute their ideas, tell others throughout
the organization about this initiative, and
encourage everybody at the FCC Group to
become involved in this initiative.
Third edition of the
This initiative
has been a very enriching
experience and those
promoting it are confident
that it will continue to be a
great incentive for fulfilling
the goal so that FCC will be
perceived as a sustainable
citizen services company