Page 79 - FCC-N14-eng

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The Pajares tunnel is the most com-
plex and difficult project executed
in Spain to date. Thanks to this
project, the Principality of Asturias,
which had been demanding this rai-
lway since the 80s, no longer lacks
railway connection with the rest of
the country.
New gateway to Asturias. Lot 1 of the Pajares Tunnel, Pola
de Gordón-Folledo (Leon). Executed the first 10.7 km.
Pajares-Sotiello (Asturias) tunnels. The next section in Astu-
rias of the Pajares tunnels stretching over a total of 6.2 km.
These two-lane base tunnels, under the Cantábrica moun-
tain range, cut down travel distance from 83 to 50 km.
Zaragoza-Huesca line
Zaragoza-Zuera section: 31.20 km.
Madrid-Valencia-Murcia line
Execution of the Siete Aguas-Buñol, 11.2 km section. Inclu-
des La Cabrera tunnel, the longest one along this line. Over
the nearly 6 km length, the world tunnel-boring record was
beaten five times, setting the record at 83.2 m drilled and
52 concrete rings placed in just one day.
Villena-Sax (Alicante) section measuring 11.4 km, and Al-
mazora-Castellon, spanning over 1.8 km.
Murcia-Almería line
Sub-section Alhama-Totana. Alcantarilla-Lorca line.
Sorbas-Barranco de los Gafarillos line: 7,630 m.
Orense-Santiago de Compostela line
Amoeiro-Carballiño section: 12.1 km.
Section of the Atlantic corridor.
Vigo and Das Maceiras sections: 7.1 km.
A Vacariza-Rialiño section.
Madrid-Extremadura-Portuguese border
Embalse de Alcántara and Garrovillas section: 6.26 km.
Connection of the Atocha and Chamartín railway stations in
Madrid. The project involves a two-lane, 7.3 km long tun-
nel, 6.9 km of which are underground, connecting the Ato-
cha and Chamartín stations, mostly running under Serrano
street, crossing several subway lines along the way. The
project makes it possible to connect trains arriving to and
from the south of Spain with those from the northern half of
the country.
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