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Take part in the
Mobility Week
FCC, in line with its commitment to the
sustainability and quality of cities, as well
as with the Strategic Road Safety Plan, is
participating in the activities taking place
during the European Mobility Week which
is held this year under the slogan “Moving
in the Right Direction”.
The objective of this European Union initiati-
ve is to raise awareness on the consequen-
ces on health and the environment of the
irrational use of cars within the city and to
promote the benefits of other, more sustai-
nable, modes of transport such as public
transport, bicycling, and waking.
This year, the Sustainable Urban Mobility
Plans (SUMP) was chosen as the theme.
It involves several measures to encourage
the mobility that people and companies re-
quire to reach a balance on environmental
quality, economic development, and social
The work carried out in recent years has re-
sulted in the European Mobility Week pro-
jects which are now widespread throughout
Europe as underscored by the large num-
ber of local governments that participate
voluntarily in developing these projects,
also implementing permanent measures.
In Spain, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food,
and the Environment is the national coor-
dinator with the slogan “Participate in your
city’s mobility plans: Move in the right di-
Spain is the country with the largest num-
ber of cities participating in the campaign,
614, followed by Austria in second place
with 548 cities taking part.