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New York City acknowledges social
work carried out by
In a recent event to present the new “Every
Student, Every Day” campaign against
school truancy, New York City Mayor Mi-
chael Bloomberg publicly recognized
Cemusa’s social efforts.
Cemusa was invited to this event, held on
10 May at Queens’ public school P.S. 91
Richard Arkwright, to acknowledge the do-
nation of spaces for charities through the
Ad Council and owing to its commitment to
social causes.
During the event Mayor Michael Bloomberg
thanked all the participants for the progress
achieved with this project, and expressed
his particular gratitude to Cemusa for provi-
ding free-of-charge ad spaces for dissemi-
nating the campaign.
Carlos Pujol, CEO of Cemusa US, had the
chance to greet Michael Bloomberg per-
sonally and to thank him for his words of
praise for the work carried out by Cemusa.
Carlos Pujol, CEO of CEMUSA US with
New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.