Page 6 - FCC-N14-eng

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Encouraging health at the workplace
should be understood as doing more than
just complying with legal requisites on oc-
cupational safety and health; it also implies
that the company must actively help their
employees to improve their general health
and well being, based on a global vision,
and making them feel better and healthier.
Accordingly, FCC has the appropriate
structure at each business area for safety
and health management.
For the Company, promoting and integra-
ting the preventive culture within our orga-
nization, in all work processes, and in our
attitudes for facing new job challenges is an
essential and clear objective.
C a m p a i g n
Promoting and integrating
the preventive culture
This initiative is in keeping with the Strategic
Safety and Health Plan launched in 2009
which resulted in an organizational res-
huffling and re-focusing and the migration
towards a more participative and proactive
concept, leaving behind management ba-
sed mainly on reactive management and
formal compliance.
Moreover, the measure aims to give conti-
nuity to the recognition achieved to date as
well as the efforts and excitement for facing
the future based on the conviction that ma-
king the workplace safer in all respects on a
day-to-day basis.
The protagonists of this campaign are all
company employees since the company’s
main assets are intangible, and this inclu-
des the intellectual and emotional capital
of each employee. Accordingly, we want to
stress that the value of people is not limited
to just people, but on their capacity for con-
tributing their very best.
One of
the greatest
strengths is the entire
FCC staff