Page 4 - FCC-N14-eng

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C a m p a i g n
The protagonists of this campaign are each and every
company employee. This initiative aims to encourage the
preventive culture and to bolster the positive attitude of
all workers regarding occupational hazard prevention
and on promoting health at the workplace.
FCC unveils its new safety and health cam-
paign “At my job, Prevention is certainly
worthwhile, YES IT IS”, the main objective
of which is to encourage and bolster the
attitude of all employees on the importance
of occupational hazard prevention and pro-
moting health at the workplace.
Prevention is
Strategic objective: “0 Accidents”
FCC’s key objective is to achieve a “0 Ac-
cidents” rate, meaning the absence, in all
respects, of injury or harm to employees’
health. This campaign aims to reinforce the
Company’s commitment to occupational
safety and health and also to build aware-
ness among employees on the importan-
ce of their involvement and participation in
Vídeo de la
YES lT lS”
“At my job