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A housing
development for
25,000 people
The Tres Cantos local authorities inaugu-
rated the initial phases of the Nuevo Tres
Cantos housing development, including
practically all of its residential areas deve-
loped by FCC Construcción. It is one of the
biggest urban building developments cu-
rrently under construction in Madrid which
will house more than 25,000 people when
work has been completed.
The opening ceremony was attended by
Ana Isabel Mariño Ortega, city councilwo-
man for the Environment and Land Plan-
ning; Jesús Moreno García, mayor of Tres
Cantos; José Mayor Oreja, chairman of
FCC Construcción, and other company re-
Over 200 million Euros are being invested
in developing what is known as “the Nue-
vo Tres Cantos Sector”. This 329-hectare
zone is located north of Tres Cantos. Plans
are to build about 7,000 homes, 60% of
which will be developed by FCC, plus areas
for industrial, tertiary and public use.
FCC has completed work on the first six
housing projects, which cover a total of
1,122 units. A thousand of these units are
set aside for young people to rent with the
option to buy. These units (two-bedroom
flats with a maximum area of 70 square
metres per flat) are part of the Community
of Madrid’s Young Housing Plan.
Another ten lots are currently under cons-
truction, containing a total of 1,236 units.
They are scheduled to be completed some-
time in 2013. Permits to build another eight
lots, nearly 500 units, have been secured
already, so pre-building arrangements there
are nearing conclusion. The last leg of the
plan will end with another four lots (312
units), still in the permit application process,
and the final 16 lots (a total of 745 units),
which are still being marketed.
The Tres Cantos City Council granted FCC
Construcción the administrative conces-
sion to manage and develop the land in
2005. Construction, which began in 2007,
has become thoroughly consolidated, with
more than 4,000 housing units already un-
der way.
FCC Delivers
Phase One of Nuevo
Tres Cantos