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describes its vision of smart services
At university campuses and business schools
Aqualia was one of the companies that par-
ticipated in the second edition of the semi-
nar entitled “Smart Cities and Innovation in
Services” held at the La Magdalena Palace
in Santander as part of the summer courses
organized by Universidad Internacional Me-
néndez Pelayo (UIMP).
Specific cases were discussed at the semi-
nar on the implementation by local authori-
ties, nationally and internationally, involved in
the Smart Cities initiative.
Enrique Hernández, manager of Services
Management, represented Aqualia and gave
a speech of “Smart Water Management”.
Aqualia also participated in the summer
courses at the La Laguna University in Te-
nerife with two presentations that went be-
yond the Smart Cities concept and dwelt on
the Smart Services concept of FCC which
emphasizes the information and communi-
cations technologies applied by companies
in the industry in order to improve the quality
of life of citizens and contribute to greater
environmental sustainability.
David Diez, manager of Entemanser and
Aqualia’s representative in Tenerife, gave a
speech on “Smart Water: an intelligent servi-
ce in end-to-end water management”. José
Arce, head of Aqualia’s Marketing and Com-
munications Department made a presenta-
tion on his vision on “Communication aimed
at citizens, a key factor for the development
of Smart Cities”.
The course ended with a visit by all parti-
cipants to the Water Desalination Plant in
Adeje (Tenerife) an environmental reference
in the archipelago thanks to its construction
characteristics and energy efficiency.
In July, the Extremadura ITAE Business
School hosted the First Iberian Expoconfe-
rence on Smart Urban Spaces in small and
medium-sized municipalities. Ángel García,
form the Marketing and Communications
department, described FCC’s vision on this
sustainable cities model and on Aqualia’s
capabilities and experience, particularly in
respect of the autonomous community of
Extremadura and, specifically, in the capital
city of Badajoz.