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Aqualia’s laboratory
in Oviedo will collaborate
with the Ministry of the Environment
The title of collaborator
granted by the Ministry
of Agriculture, Food, and
the Environment, is an
acknowledgement of the
excellence achieved by
the Aqualia team and its
facilities in controlling and
monitoring water
quality and waste water
Inmaculada González, councilwoman for
Water and Sanitation and Alfonso Tomás,
manager of the Department and Jorge
Suárez, head of the laboratory were present
at the ceremony held at the laboratory.
Thanks to this recognition, Aqualia’s labo-
ratory in Oviedo will become a national re-
ference by being registered at the special
Registry of entities collaborating with the
Ministry of Agriculture, since the company
meets the legal-administrative requisites
for being considered a collaborating entity.
This will enable the company to perform a
wide range of analyses of continental and
residual waters based on 59 parameters
and will also make it possible for it to work
at the waste water treatment plants that are
operated by the Confederación Hidrográfi-
ca del Cantábrico.
The laboratory will also be able to check
emergency measures, verify compliance
with environmental objectives and quality,
carry out programs to monitor the condi-
tions of the water, and other functions that
could be entrusted by the hydraulic admi-
Aqualia’s laboratory in Oviedo has also
been awarded in the past several certifica-
tes for various quality processes regulated
by Asociación Española de Normalización
y Certificación (AENOR) and is recognised
by the Department of Health and Medical
Services of Asturias as a private, indepen-
dent laboratory for the health analysis and
control of food, water, and beverages with
LAB 12-O reference for water analyses.
Inmaculada González, councilwoman for Water; Alfonso Tomás, De-
parment manager, and Jorge Suárez, head of the laboratory, meeting
with the press.