Page 24 - FCC-N14-eng

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FCC Logística has recently updated its web
page (, where it has
increased the online services that it offers
to its customers as well as information on
the activities that the company carries out
throughout the Iberian peninsula.
In this new web page, conceived as a sim-
ple, more modern and agile design with
a very visual appearance, FCC Logística
offers its customers a wide range of online
services to simplify the development of di-
fferent activities and provide greater added
value to all its processes.
Through its web pages, the customer can
not only monitor route control, check on
door opening outside established destina-
tions or the temperatures in different com-
partments, but can also control inventories,
the arrival of merchandise, service quality
analysis, daily monitoring of services as well
as comprehensive management of inciden-
Making an appointment
It is also possible to request a prior ap-
pointment for customs management, both
on the Customs Area and in the PIF of the
Port of Valencia and to have a tool available
that connects to FCC Logística’s warehou-
se management system, which allows pu-
blicity or marketing products to be mana-
ged at the point of sale.
In its new website, the company has also
increased the amount of information availa-
ble on the company, its specialised logistics
solutions by areas of activity, its infrastruc-
tures in the peninsula, quality management
or its strategic positioning in which some of
the company’s main data are shown.
In its “People” section, the company des-
cribes its corporate policy towards emplo-
yees, customers, suppliers, shareholders
and collaborators. This section includes in-
formation on the Company’s occupational
hazards prevention policies to protect the
health and safety of people at their work-
place. The website also includes a “News”
section where the relevant news items are
periodically updated.
FCC Logística,
more information and