Page 10 - FCC-N14-eng

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The project for bringing together a large
part of the Madrid offices of FCC Servicios
y Construccion obeys the ideas considered
by FCC management over several years
and is inspired by the experience acquired
in the offices of the leading national and in-
ternational companies.
This move implies the expression of a cul-
ture based on teamwork based on four
principles: “doing things well, efficiency, in-
tegrity, and proximity”, the most distinguis-
hing features underpinning FCC’s corporate
Wagering on innovation and in line with se-
nior management’s strong commitment to
R+D+i and eco-efficiency (less consump-
tion of natural resources), the Group is ma-
king strides towards being a leader in sus-
tainability in the sectors where it operates.
Besides FCC’s social responsibility policies
are driven by the criteria of proximity, star-
ting with its own employees.
With the clear objective of implementing
a new operating model, organized, rationalised,
and centralised, and much more operational, FCC has
opened its new corporate headquarters at number 40,
Avenida del Camino de Santiago at Madrid’s Las Tablas
district at a very short distance from
the headquarters of technology companies such as
Telefónica and Vodafone.
New corporate
at Las Tablas
More united, closer