Arena Stadium
Only the strength of soccer is able to leave
a footprint in cities by creating new land-
marks. Until now, Gdansk was synony-
mous with the place where the Second
World War began, the home of the politician
and former president Lech Walesa and his
trade union, Solidarity, and the famous No-
bel Prize winner, the author Günter Grass.
Now that the Spanish Selection led by Vi-
cente del Bosque played all the games du-
ring its first phase at this site, the Gdansk
Arena has become a landmark as the sixth
most important city in Poland.
FCC creates a new landmark for the
Polish city
The Gdansk Arena is an architectural pro-
ject which took many years of planning.
The Euro 2012 championship has made it
more than just a soccer stadium. The new
Coliseum, built by FCC through its subsi-
diary ALPINE, in this city in north Poland is
now a reference for global architecture, a
new landmark, and a major tourist attrac-
FCC was the construction company that “won” the 2012
Soccer Eurocup. Through Alpine, its Austrian
subsidiary, the Group headed by Baldomero Falcones
built several stadiums that hosted the European
championship. The Arena Stadium in Gdansk, its most
outstanding project, was where the selection led by
Vicente del Bosque played the games during the first
phase. The stadium has become a new landmark for
the city where Lech Walesa and Gunter Grass were
o m m u n i t i e s