Page 68 - FCC-N13-eng-06

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lencia region, receiving 1,900 kWh/m
The plant, which will span 230 hectares, is
located close to major highways, including
the A-31, the N-344, and the CV-656.
Construction is partially affected by two
other major infrastructure projects currently
under way in the area: the Jumilla-Font de
la Figuera section of the A-33 highway and
the Madrid-Alicante high-speed railway.
The manager of FCC Energía’s Thermo-
solar Projects department, Hermenegildo
Franco, who provided information on the
most relevant aspects during the tour of the
plant, said that the estimated production
of the facilities was 110,000 Mwh per year,
equivalent to the annual consumption of
40,000 households. He also stressed that
it would make prevent the emission to air of
600,000 tons of CO
each year.