construction of its
solar thermal energy
plant in Villena, Alicante
The Villena thermosolar joint venture is in charge of the
construction of the thermosolar plant in Villena, Alican-
te. Formed by FCC lndustrial and the Basque company
SERlDOM, the joint venture has experience in other
similar thermosolar projects. The facilities will employ
more than 750 workers.
FCC takes another step in developing its
Energy division. On 23 May, Alberto Fabra,
President of the Valencia regional govern-
ment, and Baldomero Falcones, Chairman
of FCC, celebrated the groundbreaking ce-
remony for the solar thermal energy plant
that FCC Group’s Energy division is building
in the city of Villena, Alicante.
After visiting the site, Baldomero Falcones
announced that construction of the new
plant would create 750 direct and indirect
jobs over the next two years.
The 50 MW solar thermal energy plant will
produce 110,000 MWh of electricity per
year and its construction entails an inves-
tment of 240 million Euros.
The first stone
is laid and the first
solar filed collector
is installed at the
solar filed which
will generate
750 jobs