Remote meter reading
The walk-by remote meter reading enables Aqualia meter-readers to work perform
their work more rapidly and reliably since they can receive the reading by radio in
a portable terminal without having to visit the homes or enter the meter rooms.
Remote meter reading through a fixed network also makes it possible for the cus-
tomer service offices to receive the meter readings via GPRS thereby optimising
the entire process.
Aqualia’s customer service department is currently completing an R+D project
aimed at major clients; those who consume the largest amounts of water. Starting
in 2013, the company’s 1,230 major clients will be able to use an online service for
checking the meter readings, consumption, and perform service so that they can
know the meter readings and consumptions and handle all types of procedures. If
the results of this project are satisfactory, it could be extended to all types of users.
Direct collections and management of this important volume of invoices re-
quires a complete administration system supported by EDITRAN, the central
collections platform. One of the most outstanding ratios in Aqualia’s client
portfolio is the large number of clients whose invoices are debited directly in
their bank accounts; more than 80%. The fact that the water bill is one of the
least expensive basic services for families explains the large number of invoi-
ces that are debited directly against the client’s bank account and the reason
for the low incidence of unpaid invoices.
Until recently, clients had to wait in line to pay their water bills at the offices.
This, however, is no longer the case since Aqualia offers its clients the pos-
sibility of making their payments online or by calling the Customer Service
Department and pay with their credit cards. These are precisely the two main
customer service channels that can be used at any time since both offer the
advantage of being open 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
The gradual implementation of these information and communication tech-
nologies in the commercial relations with users underscores Aqualia’s client
focus. The objective of these Smart Services is efficiency in customer services
and technology is the lynchpin in this process. Nevertheless, the involvement
of citizens is essential since they not only stand to benefit, but can also proac-
tive partners in the search for sustainable efficiency.
Central collections platform