w e l l _ b e i n g
The FCC Group participated as a speaker
at the International Congress on the Pre-
vention of Occupational Hazards that was
held in Bilbao from 23 to 25 May, and orga-
nized by the National Institute of Safety and
Hygiene at the Workplace (INSHT, Spanish
Represented by the Catalonia II Branch
Office through Ana Puigdomenech, the
company unveiled its Alcohol and/or Drugs
at the Workplace Prevention Program –
available at the INSHT website for encoura-
ging healthy habits – as a good work envi-
ronment practice.
The theme of the workshop was to promo-
te health at the work place as an efficient
instrument for improving productivity and
reducing social and medical costs.
Prevention of occupational hazards
FCC unveils its program to prevent the
consumption of alcohol and drugs at the work
The objective of the program is to dissemi-
nate good practices at the work place that
redound in safety and health by encoura-
ging these practices. In recent years, mea-
sures to promote health at the work place
have increased and there is cleared eviden-
ce that these measures have had an impact
on health and the quality of life of workers
as well as on productivity and the quality of
products and services.
The company’s competitiveness and sus-
tainability and cost savings in relation to
bad health, as shown by studies conduc-
ted in several countries in Europe and in
the United States, Australia, and Canada,
could be reinforced by implementing pro-
grams encouraging healthy habits at com-
This evidence, increasingly more solid,
should not be overlooked by companies,
particularly if they aspire to be sustainable
and competitive. Achieving the objecti-
ve defined by the European Network for
the Promotion of Health at the Work Pla-
ce, known as “Healthy Workers at Healthy
Companies” can be done gradually, en-
suring that measures are in line with the
company’s level of commitment and avai-
lable resources.
For the implementation and execution of
a program to promote health at the work
place, everyone’s participation is essential,
as indicated by the Declaration of Luxem-
bourg. This requires the commitment of
workers and their representatives, manage-
ment, and middle management.
Participation in the
Annual Safety
Seminar & Expo
in Panama
On 8 May, invited by the Authority of the
Panama Canal, Juan Carlos Sáez de Rus,
the Corporate Director of FCC Safety and
Health, participated at the 2nd Annual Sa-
fety Seminar & Expo, giving a speech on
“Leadership, transparency, and work con-
ditions”. Following his presentation, Sáez
de Rus showed a new corporate video
reflecting FCC’s new principles which was
applauded by all who were present at the
The seminar was held under the slogan
“Excellent Safety Management at the Exe-
cutive Level”.
place as a good practice in the 10th lnternational Congress