the fourth round table discussion dedica-
ted to “Innovation”. The participants in this
round table discussion included José Ig-
nacio Elorrieta Pérez de Diego, managing
director of Environment and Sustainability
(Cementos Portland Valderrivas); Pedro
Rodríguez Medina, manager of Corporate
Development (Aqualia); Francisco Esteban
Lefler, manager of Innovation and Techno-
logy and Special Services (FCC Construc-
ción), and Alfonso García García, manager
of Technical Services (FCC Medio Ambien-
te). The moderator of this discussion was
Enrique Unamunzaga Guisasola, mana-
ger of Innovation Management (FCC) who
stressed the commitment and support of
FCC Group’s senior management to R+D+i
with the objective of increasing our compe-
titiveness and as a differentiating element
versus our competitors.
After lunch, Juan Pablo Merino Guerra, ma-
nager of Corporate Marketing and Brand
(FCC) presented the results of a survey on
different aspects relating to the Group’s per-
formance. At 4:14 p.m. Sebastián Álvaro,
traveller, mountain climber, and director of
the TV programme “Al Filo de lo Imposible”
climbed the stage and talked on the best
values of sports and teamwork, the capa-
city for excelling and efforts to surmount an
impossible challenge.
Intelligent services
The next round table discussion was “In-
telligent Services” whose moderator was
Antonio Pousa Blasco, manager of Studies
(FCC Medio Ambiente). The other partici-
pants were Antonio Alfonso Avello, mana-
ging director of Industrial Companies (FCC
Construcción), and Juan Pablo Merino
Guerra, manager of Corporate Marketing
and Brand (FCC). Merino highlighted how
FCC is at the forefront with its wager of
Intelligent Services with the citizen and on
improving the quality of life in places where
we operate as a central part of this activity.
Integrity and reputation
Immediately afterwards, the video “Haz
que se oiga” (Let it be heard) was shown,
a solidarity campaign of FCC, Aqualia and
Acción against hunger in the World Water
Day. Sara Megía Recio, deputy manager
of International Internal Audit (FCC) co-
ordinated and acted as the moderator at
the round table discussion “Integrity and
Reputation”. Those participating included
Javier López‐Galiacho Perona, manager of
Corporate Responsibility (FCC), and Julio
Pastor, manager of Information Relations
(FCC). In the conclusions of this round table
discussion, Megía stressed how reputation,
integrity, social responsibility, and commu-
nication are an essential and inherent part
of the business.
Lastly, Baldomero Falcones was in charge
of presenting the conclusions and closing
the Convention. FCC’s chairman and CEO
wanted to share with the participants the
pride in managing a group that is recog-
nised for “doing things well” and which
believes and is committed to integrity, effi-
ciency, and proximity as its most important
hallmarks. Falcones ended his speech by
urging the executives to achieve results in
the current crisis and to continuo opening
new profitable markets for the Group.