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By: Juan Pablo Merino
Director of Corporate Marketing
and FCC Brand
global company
For a company, the importance of a brand
is the same as the importance of an
individual’s name. Others identify us by that
name and associate us with a way of be-
ing and a way of doing things, with certain
values and with our experience or track re-
cord. After a few years, we achieve a speci-
fic positioning in our surroundings.
Crisis scenarios represent an excellent op-
portunity for making an in depth analysis of
this positioning and for pursuing alternati-
ves so that the brand can emerge stronger
and surmount the bad years.
A good strategy is to focus on an overall re-
view the field of operations in search of new
positioning areas that could be occupied
and that could contribute a new place whe-
re the brand could develop and from which
to address its audiences. At the same time,
our target public would discover a new fa-
cet of the company which, if managed co-
rrectly and properly communicated, would
serve to ensure the survival of the business
during another stage.
In short, the idea is to reposition the brand
in a scenario such as the present one and
launch messages to renew the clients’
trust. Seek a sound, clear, and defined po-
sitioning that make us different, as a synon-
ym and guarantee for the future.
The brand should be reorganised to meet
the new circumstances. This means that
the message should be updated to reach
the market clearly and comprehensively.
Behind this repositioning, however, certain
values should prevail, such as the way we
do things that makes us different, unique,
and genuine. Nobody then could copy us
and we could continue to generate busi-
ness, wealth, and jobs. Our reinvented and
innovated story would feed the new phase.
Brands should serve as guidelines so that
companies are able to better adapt to the
possible requirements that the market and
clients demand. Accordingly, they should
provide employees the resources neces-
sary to interact in a relevant manner with
the surroundings. This is not an easy task,
however, since it is necessary to apply the
brand culture at the emotional and rational
level in the minds of the employees so that
this is then manifested in their performance.
Employees, simply must think, feel and act
bearing the brand in their minds.
FCC, our brand, is in the process of beco-
ming a single brand where the corporate
description, Citizen Services, contributes
a clear message to the market on FCC’s
commitment to the process of innovation
and adaptation to the new times.
The responsibility over the brand is some-
thing that must be nurtured and managed,
and spread to other departments beyond
the Communication and Marketing de-
partment. A solidly supported and focu-
The definitive idea is to reposition the
brand in a situation such as the current
one and launch new messages to renew
trust among our clients