Social Responsibility
awarded Fundación Entorno’s
European Environmental Prize
FCC received a European Business Award
for the Environment at the Spanish edition
of the event, organised by Fundación En-
torno. Baldomero Falcones, Chairman and
CEO of FCC, was presented with the award
by the Prince and Princess of Asturias, who
chaired the ceremony held at headquar-
ters of Spain’s National Research Council
The FCC Construction project “Design
and implementation of a protocol for gre-
enhouse gas emissions quantification in
construction” was awarded an honourable
mention in the Management for Sustaina-
ble Development category. This pioneering
project implements a protocol for measu-
ring greenhouse gas emissions to improve
our understanding of emissions from cons-
truction and to ensure that they are rigo-
rously quantified.
FCC Construction’s project clearly
benefits the environment and, conse-
quently, the community in general. Mo-
reover, it will contribute indirectly to the
Spanish government’s commitment in
Europe in the area of greenhouse gas
emissions by providing extensive infor-
mation about construction emissions.
It will also contribute to strengthening
FCC’s culture and values and build on
the Best Practices already implemen-
ted in the construction division. Raising
awareness about this project among
our stakeholders will contribute to the
transfer of knowledge and encourage
other companies to follow suit.
the environment
The protocol allows for emissions sources
to be monitored and evaluated, with a view
to improving and reducing emissions and to
managing climate change risks effectively.
The protocol was approved in 2010 and
complies with the ISO 14064 standard. Ac-
credited certification agency AENOR vetted
the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report in
May 2011.