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Social Responsibility
Approves lts
Third Corporate
Master Plan
FCC has reached a new milestone in its
commitment to Corporate Social Responsi-
bility (CSR). The Board of Directors of FCC,
the Citizen Services Group, has approved
the 3rd Corporate Responsibility Master
Plan 2012-14. This approval is a distin-
guishing feature of the Plan and reflects
the strategic importance that the company
attaches to this issue.
The connection with the Board of Directors
is based on the fact that the chairman of
the Corporate Responsibility Committee,
Felipe García, is the one who defends the-
se policies before the Board of Directors of
which he is also a member.
CSR policies
bolster business
strategies to achieve
their objectives
The new Master Plan has been de-
signed to reinforce the capabilities the
Company and the competencies of
its employees: a design which aims to
deepen FCC’s objective of strengthe-
ning its position as a source of com-
prehensive solutions to the problems
associated with the sustainable deve-
lopment of cities in the future.
Bolstering FCC’s
and competencies
The 3rd CR Master Plan for the 2012-14
period represents significant progress com-
pared with the two previous plans, since
now the Corporate Social Responsibility
policies are at the service of the business’
strategy. In short, it is one of the tools for
achieving objectives.
The Master Plan is based on the concept
of Citizen Services, and it was designed in
consideration of two projections: notable
growth in the world’s population in the next
decade (primarily in cities) and the new en-
vironmental and social demands that will
arise as a result.
Sustainability will be essential to enable
FCC to compete in the cities of the futu-
re. Infrastructure, water, waste, and energy
(FCC’s core businesses) will play a major
role in the development of cities in the next
ten years.
Link to the 3rd CSR Master Plan: