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FCC’s Information Security and
Technological Risk Management
department wins SIC Magazine prize
The Spanish magazine, Seguridad en In-
formática y Comunicaciones (SIC) selected
Magda Sarto Jorba as the winner of the SIC
Award in recognition for “her professional
career focused on information security”.
Magda Sarto, who holds a degree in com-
puter engineering and an MBA, joined the
FCC Group in 1009. She is a member of
the Information Security and Technological
Ris, Management “ department since its in-
ception in 2005 where she is responsible for
Planning and Control.
The prize was given on 25 April during the
gala dinner held each year as part of the
SECURMÁTICA convention which held its
23rd Information Security event. The prize
is an acknowledgement of the FCC Group’s
firm commitment to managing technologi-
cal risks as an essential element for ensu-
ring the protection, confidentiality, integrity
and availability of information throughout
the entire organization.
The SIC Magazine awards were created in
2004 to honour professionals and compa-
nies that play an important role in the de-
velopment and consolidation of information
Key figures of the Zistersdorf
waste-to-energy plant
120,000 m³
Reinforced concrete:
16,000 m³
Steel framework:
1,600 t
47,000 m³
Volume built:
24,000 m³
Structural steel:
200 t
Soil stabilisation:
21,000 m³
Aluminium roofing:
3.870 m²
Metal plate exterior wall:
5.500 m²
External equipment:
12,000 m²
Construction period: March 2007- April.2009
Technical specifications
The most unique aspect of the construction was lifting the prefabricated elements at
the intermediate level of the bunker (21m high) and the roofing. The largest elements
weighted up to 70 t and had to be lifted using a “Tandemhub” crane (400 t and 200 t).
Which are the qualities required for ma-
naging such large human teams in simi-
lar size projects?
It was very important for me to manage the
Vienna central railway station team and an
honour to work with such a large and qua-
lified team. In my opinion, the most impor-
tant traits for successfully managing a team
such as this one are: social skills, the ability
to speak openly and cordially and being
able to give precise instructions, managing
team problems with tact. You also have to
encourage teamwork and it is then that you
realise that with firmness and comradeship
you and your team can accomplish incre-
dible things.
Interviewed by:
Lucie Zumrová, .A.S.A. Abfall Service AG
Magda Sarto Jorba
collects the SIC Award.