.A.S.A. fits
in perfectly with the
FCC strategy
announced by
Baldomero Falcones
at the Convention
tegy (funded with .A.S.A.’s own resources,
we will be able to increase EBITDA twofold
in the region where we operate in the next
five years. For now, this scenario does not
contemplate any regional expansion”.
In order to promote .A.S.A.’s greater growth
within the FCC Group and to bolster the
international success of FCC, Petr Vokřál
believes that it is essential to take greater
advantage of the synergies in the Group.
It is particularly important to take into ac-
count and to respect cultural, economic
and other differences among the various
regions. Delegating relevant responsibilities
in the regions by simplifying processes whi-
le, at the same time, ensuring strict control
and the creation of “regional experts” (EEC,
U.S., ...) is the way that we can take ad-
vantage of our knowledge, being flexible in
local markets, and save money in in-house
procedures. The full implementation of
“management by objectives/results” in the
Group, which implies a strict focus on re-
sults, should be the priority. In keeping with
FCC’s corporate social responsibility policy,
results should be the only management in-