Page 41 - FCC-N11-eng

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gapore due to the large number of ongoing
projects in the island, including this project.
Dieter hired former ALPINE employees in
Singapore which included local workers,
Germans, Filipinos, Burmese, Australians,
and Malaysians.
Safety and health were top priorities sin-
ce the start of the project and ALPINE has
organized constantly occupational hazard
campaigns and training courses. This, wi-
thout overlooking the old Austrian custom of
having a picture of Saint Barbara, the patron
saint of miners, at the entrance of the tunnel
to protect the workers.
For Dieter Meyer, this is a stimulating project,
not only because of the technical complexi-
ties but also because of the challenge of
instilling the European work methods to
such a mixed group of employees. Com-
munication problems were easy to solve
by speaking in English. Dieter was mainly
concerned with the different types of
contracts, various forms of payment, the
difference in vacations of European and
Asian workers, in short, just some of the
problems that he had to face every day.
As to how the company is perceived in
Singapore, Dieter told us that in recent
times ALPINE has created some expec-
tation among the local media since the
projects are being carried out in the high-
end district in Singapore.