Page 29 - FCC-N11-eng

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pports the most weight. This is why injuries
are more frequent in this part of the spine.
70-80% of individuals may suffer at
least one episode of lumbar pain in their
lives. It is one of the most frequent rea-
sons for going to the doctor and the se-
cond cause of sick leave.
90% of cases of lower back pain are
due to mechanical alterations of the
vertebrae structures, most of unspecific
nature (mechanical or unspecific back
Lower back pain is due to several causes.
It could be due to bad posture, the physi-
cal activity of an individual, or psychologi-
cal factors. In any case, there are two main
reasons for lower back pain: mechanical or
inflammatory origins.
Mechanical origin: These are the most
frequent and it is due to the alteration of
the structure forming the lumbar spine.
Hence, degeneration of the vertebral
column, which prevents direct contact
between the vertebrae and the column,
the appearance of arthritis in the lum-
bar vertebrae, osteoporosis, or normal
changes in the spine are the most fre-
quent causes of lower back pain. Bad
posture can also cause lower back
pain. In addition, practicing sports wi-
thout the proper training can cause
lower back pain. Certain psychological
factors causing back pain have also
been observed in clinical practice.
Inflammatory origin: The source could
be certain diseases which lead to infla-
The best prevention is to avoid brusque movements, adopt good posture, do warm-up
exercises, and avoid overweight and obesity. It is important to take the following into
Posture recommendations and ergonomic.
Exercise and physical activity (swimming, walking, bicycling, pilates, yoga, etc.). An
exercise program should generally include stretching, strength-building, and low-
impact aerobics.
Have a positive and brave mental attitude to pain.
Lead a healthy live, remaining active (Mediterranean diet, avoiding toxic habits,
hobbies, stress-free, etc.)
In this section, we offer advice on how to carry out daily activities (sleeping, leaning,
carrying weight, sitting up, standing up, sitting down, etc.) in the less harmful way for
the back.